Professor Antony Flew is our new Patron

We are delighted to announce that Professor Antony Flew, pre-eminent British philosopher, has agreed to serve as our Patron. Professor Flew is a member of the executive committee of the British Weights and Measures Association, to whose web site ours is linked.

Prof. Antony Flew

Professor Flew is concerned about archives as forming part of the wider cultural evidence of British democratic intellect and the national and international institutions both tangible and intangible which that intellect has spawned.

In his letter of acceptance, Professor Flew writes (17 January 2005):

Our objections to the intrusions of metric measures into archives from periods often centuries before the UK's comparatively official adoption of such measures might appear to be academic and merely trifling. But that would be to fail to recognize the anti-British political significance of the calculated exclusion from the Millennium Dome of any reference to British achievement. It would have been simply inconceivable for any of the other European nations with long histories of national independence to have adopted such a policy of national self-exclusion.

We welcome Professor Flew on board.
